Day 1 單元一:場次1
John: Why is scientific writing important? How can you market your work? The key parts in a paper. The importance of a good title and writing the Abstract.
Rose: Overview and patterns for writing sentence, with some practice exercises (full group and small groups).
Day 2 單元一:場次2
John: Introduction, Materials and methods and Results sections. Importance of appropriate figures.
Rose: Capitalization, punctuation, active and passive voice, numbers and symbols. Some sections will include practice exercises.
Day 3 單元一:場次3
John: Discussion. Submitting your paper. Interacting with reviewers andeditors and doing revisions. Final thoughts on writing. Examples from actual papers.
Rose: The Writing Process (pre-writing, outlines, rough draft, abstract, revision, editing)
Day 4 單元一:場次4
John: Figures and tables, data handling
Rose: Transitions in paragraph writing, commonly misused words, document sources (including exercises).
Rose and John: Personal philosophy and professionalism (a truly UNIQUE presentation)! Written evaluation of the course.